You can certainly keep your existing superannuation account/s going while you are overseas.  However, in order to maximize the returns, you should make sure your financial adviser is reviewing your portfolio at least on an annual basis.  If you don’t have a financial adviser, you should make sure you review your superannuation investments at least once per year.

Your superannuation investments will be taxed at the same rates while you are overseas as if you were resident for tax purposes, so there is no extra tax to pay as a result of being non-resident.

If your employer is not paying into a pension fund or retirement fund while you are overseas, then you have to consider the best way to continue to save for your retirement.  Subject to the contribution limits, you could top up your superannuation while you are overseas.  Alternatively, you could save money outside of superannuation and then top up your super when you repatriate to Australia.

The strategy that is best for you will depend on your personal circumstances.  If you are not sure how to proceed, then you could consider obtaining professional advice from a licensed Australian financial adviser.